7 Things You Must Do When Business Slows Down
In running a business there must be a phase where the business is slowed down. In that phase you might have more time to think about how the business can run stably. To that end, here are 7 things to do when your business slows down.
1. Re-evaluate who you are
what you do and so on. The key to success is having a clear sense of your goals, vision and mission.
You must do this for yourself individually, and then apply the same reevaluation to your business, and also your team. Also consider your leadership style, your communication skills to see what needs to be improved.
2. Review the process that allows you to get things done
You will usually find that at least some of them are activities that get you closer to achieving your goals. Discard this immediately.
Other processes may need a little adjustment. Also …
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